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17 Okt 2010

NINJA VIP-16102010 Release

Injektor :
Download di sini = Gesp1.3, Password : chibihacker

File Dll :
Download di sini = data.dll, Password : chibihacker

work 100%
ne buktinya

klik ini

Hotkey :
F11 = RPG Mode
F12 = Field Mission Hack (Misi Mayor) dan juga Pangkat Gm

Mission Exp & Master Medal Hack
Hal paling pertama dilakukan adalah menghapus (delete) semua misi yang sudah ada sebelumnya, sehingga tidak tersisa satu misi apapun.

Kemudian silakan beli misi apa saja yang hendak dibeli, misal beli aja Field Mission karena exp gede (tekan F12 untuk hack jika grade di bawah mayor)
Setelah misi berhasil dibeli, tutup jendela Mission dan kembali ke lobby dan ikuti langkah di bawah sesuai urutan:
- Langkah selesaikan kartu misi ke-satu (1)
1. Klik Mission
2. Klik & pilih kartu nomor pertama (1)
3. Keluar dari jendela Mission (exit) dan stand-by di lobby
4. Tekan keyboard [F1]
5. Klik Mission lagi, keliatan kalau kartu ke-satu sudah selesai, kemudian keluar dari jendela Mission (exit) sambil perhatikan exp bar-nya (bertambah)

- Langkah elesaikan kartu misi ke-dua (2)
1. Klik Mission
2. Klik & pilih kartu nomor kedua (2)
3. Keluar dari jendela Mission (exit) dan stand-by di lobby
4. Tekan keyboard [F2]
5. Klik Mission lagi, keliatan kalau kartu ke-dua sudah selesai, kemudian keluar dari jendela Mission (exit) sambil perhatikan exp bar-nya (bertambah) dan lakukan sampe kartu misi ke-sepuluh.

- lakukan langkah-langkah seperti di atas sampe semua misi selesai, dengan catatan keyboard yang ditekan

F1 = Kartu pertama
F2 = Kartu kedua
F3 = Kartu ketiga
F4 = Kartu keempat
F5 = Kartu kelima
F6 = Kartu keenam
F7 = Kartu ketujuh
F8 = Kartu kedelapan
F9 = Kartu kesembilan
F10 = Kartu kesep

9 Okt 2010

Masuk Room Competision dengan Gratis
Akhirnya aku bisa menjebol room competisi
Jadi semua Troper bisa masuk room Competisi dengan gratis
Ne password nya
Password Room CompetisiByAndrie

~ Masuk Pb
~ Pilih Server Competision (yang di sebelah kanan sendiri )
~ Masukan password yang telah kamu Download
~ Dah kamu isa masuk Room Competisi tanpa harus membayar sama GM

5 Okt 2010



Cheat GTA san andreas For Computer

LXGIWYL = senjata 1
UZUMYMW = senjata 3
HESOYAM = darah, armor, duit
BAGUVIX = nyawa ga terbatas
CVWKXAM = lung capacity ga terbatas
ANOSEONGLASS = adrenalin mode
FULLCLIP = amunisi ga erbatas

TURNUPTHEHEAT = mendapat 2 wanted level
TURNDOWNTHEHEAT = hapus semua wanted level
BTCDBCB = gemuk
BUFFMEUP = max otot
KVGYZQK = kerempeng
AEZAKMI = ga pernah dicari polisi
BRINGITON = wanted level bintang 6
WORSHIPME = max respect
HELLOLADIES = Max Sex Appeal
VKYPQCF = Max Stamina
PROFESSIONALKILLER = level hitman di semua senjata
NATURALTALENT = max semua skill kendaraan [ darat, laut, udara]

OLDSPEEDDEMON = Bloodring Banger
JQNTDMH = Rancher
VROCKPOKEY = hotring racer 1
VPJTQWV = hotring racer 2
TRUEGRIME = Trashmaster
KGGGDKP = Vortex Hovercraft
AIYPWZQP = Parachute
OHDUDE = Hunter
AMOMHRER = Tanker Truck

CPKTNWT = hancurkan semua mobil
WHEELSONLYPLEASE = mobil tembus pandang
STICKLIKEGLUE = handling sempurna
ZEIIVG = lampu lalu lintas hijau terus
YLTEICZ = pengemudi gila
LLQPFBN = mobil pink
IOWDLAC = mobil hitam
FLYINGFISH = perahu terbang
EVERYONEISPOOR = semua mobil butut
EVERYONEISRICH = semua mobil keren
JCNRUAD = Smash n' Boom
SPEEDFREAK = semua mobil ber NOS
BUBBLECARS = mobil melayang kalau ditabrak
OUIQDMW = bisa membidik dari mobil
GHOSTTOWN = ga ada mobil
FVTMNBZ = mobil-mobil desa
BMTPWHR = mobil mobil dan orang desa

SPEEDITUP = Gameplay lebih cepat
SLOWITDOWN = Gameplay lebih lambat
AJLOJYQY = pejalan kaki salig menyerang dapet tongkat golf
BAGOWPG = dapat bounty di kepalamu
FOOOXFT = semua orang bersenjata
BLUESUEDESHOES = elvis dimana mana
BGLUAWML = pejalan kaki menyerangmu dengan senjata
LIFESABEACH= pesta pantai
ONLYHOMIESALLOWED = Geng dimana-mana
BIFBUZZ = geng mengontrol jalanan
NINJATOWN = yakuza
BEKKNQV = fans club
CJPHONEHOME = melompat pakai BMX jadi tinggi
KANGAROO = CJ melompat tinggi
STATEOFEMERGENCY = RUSUHH!!!!! [persis kayak mei 1998]
CRAZYTOWN = carnaval
SJMAHPE = merekrut siapa saja [dapat pistol]
ROCKETMAYHEM = rekrut siapa saja [dapat RPG]

TOODAMNHOT = sangat panas
ALNSFMZO = Overcast
AUIFRVQS = hujan
CFVFGMJ = berkabut
YSOHNUL = jam lebih cepat
NIGHTPROWLER = selalu jam 00.00
OFVIAC = selalu jam 21.00
CWJXUOC = badai debu

Alt + Tab No DC + Wall Shot

Cara :
[1] Buka PBLaucher.
[2] Buka InJecktor 1 Paket ma Dll Yang Tadi.
[3] Start PB.
Keluar Notice , Klik Oke² Saja .

Hotkey :
[F6] Minimize On.
[F5] Minimize Off.
[F9] WS [ WallShot ] On. ( Pke saat Sblum Star Masuk Room 'n Saat Loading Mau Msk Play OFF kan )

Nb : Tekan Hotkey Sampai Bunyi Beep !!

Neh Langsung Sedot aja Gan : Download Here
No Pass .

Credit : Echolondo@Snutz.Us

Chilean officials hope to rescue miners 'by weekend'

A police officer and child play football at the camp where relatives of trapped miners wait for news in Copiapo, Chile on Sunday Above ground there are games to pass the time
Engineers drilling to reach 33 trapped miners in Chile say the men might be rescued as early as this weekend.
The head of one of the drilling operations, Pedro Buttazzoni, told the BBC his drill had only 160m (524ft) further to go to reach the men.
However, the man overseeing the entire operation has been more cautious about the timetable for their rescue.
The miners have now been trapped underground for two months, longer than any previous group.
Mr Buttazzoni, the head of the Chilean mining company Geotec, said his drill had already cut through 464m (1,500ft) of rock.
He said his team expected to break through to the area where the miners are sheltering in 3-4 days.
And he said rescuers were debating whether they would in fact need to line the rescue tunnel with metal casing as planned, a process that would take several days.
If it was decided that the lining was not needed, it was "perfectly possible" that the miners could be brought to the surface by the weekend, he said.
'Dangerous' task The timetable for rescue has shortened dramatically as the three drills racing to reach the miners have made rapid progress.
Last week the government said the rescue attempt would begin in the second half of October, having previously said it would start in early November.
President Sebastian Pinera now says he hopes the miners are rescued before he travels to Europe on 15 October, saying he wants to "share that moment with the miners".
But told of that comment, rescue chief Andre Sougarret said he had no new information to suggest a rescue would be possible before the second half of the month.
President Sebastian Pinera at the mine, 19th September President Pinera has taken a close personal interest in the rescue effort
A sports physician who is in daily contact with the miners, Jean Romagnoli, told the BBC the men were "very cheerful" and eagerly awaiting their imminent rescue.
But he said it was vital that they continued their fitness training, because pulling them up to the surface would be very stressful.
"That's very dangerous. We want to prevent any type of overheating, because that can produce thermal shock, when your temperature rises above 42C [108F], which decomposes the proteins and you can have a hard time recovering.
"That could be fatal," he said.
Once the rescue shaft is complete, a specially made steel capsule, designed by the Chilean navy, will be lowered.
The plan is for navy commandos to go down to assess the situation and help the miners use the rescue capsule.
It is expected to take an hour to pull each of the trapped men to the surface.
The miners have even begun to send prized possessions and mementos which they don't want to leave behind up to the surface using small capsules, known as "doves," in which they have been receiving supplies through narrow boreholes.
Miners' relatives, who have been camping at the site for the past two months, are preparing a party to celebrate their rescue.
Protest The men were trapped by a rockfall at the mine near Copiapo, about 725km (450 miles) north of the Chilean capital Santiago, on 5 August.
Rescuers had almost given up the search when they located the miners 17 days later.
As the rescue effort continued, other workers employed at the mine staged a protest on the surface, complaining that they had not been paid since the accident.
Chanting "there are more than 33 of us", about 200 workers marched through the town of Copiapo to demand money they say they are owed.
The company which ran the mine has large debts, and is also facing lawsuits from the relatives of the trapped men.

[SHARE ] Micro DLL 05102010

Diposkan oleh khazo

[F1] Misi mayor.
[F2] Mode semua senjata.
[Alt Kiri] Wallshot.

Info lebih lanjut akan muncul saat file dijalankan.

[Update] Micro+ DLL 05102010

Additional HotKey
[Alt Kanan] Damage hack Dual Kriss.

Tekan di layar login. Hanya di tes dengan Kriss S.V Point.

clue / pass : 62-61-6e-79-61-6b-6e-67-6f-63-65-68

Credit : n3
Klo ga guna buang aza ga usah banyak bacod disini ! ! ! 

RPE 29092010, GB EXP, HS, KD, dll

Download di sini = RPE terbaru, Password : Masi di rahasiakan oleh admin, tanyakan saja langsung ke dia(aan chibi)

Caranya : sama dengan yang kemarin

Happy My RPE .


Posted by untuk bersama On Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010 0 komentar
 lAngsung ajh gan 
dan ini
untuk injektor nya kalau gw pake gesP
fitur: F1 (misi mayor)
          F2 (hack senjata)
caranya :  -buka gesp
                          -buka pb lalu start
                                       -pilih select DLL for inject
                            -cari MICRO.DLL
                        -lalu tekan inject
dan muncul bacaan seperti ini
itu tandanya workkkkk
Aplikasi ini buat Search password/bruteforcer ID Point Blank. bukan injector atau buat WS,GB EXP,WH,UNLIMITED AMMO. ini aplikasi buat curi ID gemscool orang lain dengan cara search Password, dengan kamus Password yg kita punya,kl emang lo mau coba bikin aja id baru trus masukan password ke dalam password.txt trus load aplikasi dan ketik nama ID yg baru di bikin,kl pusing coba aja cara yg di bawah ini

  • Isi Username
  • Click Load
  • Click Start
  • Inputbox Click Ok(default : 0.5 , untuk koneksi rendah rubah menjadi 1)
  • Failed Berarti tanda Salah Password apabila berhasil muncul teks Password found di sertai passwordnya dan bunyi suara Start System Windows XP, username dan password otomatis di save ke file dengan nama username di folder aplikasi.
  • Contoh : Ketik orlando di Username,Click Load,Click Start,Click Ok di Inputbox,dan tunggu hasil untuk orlando, bila selesai cari file bernamakan username yg di hack seperti yg kita test bernama oralando.txt dengan isi passwordnya asdfgh, pengen liat pangkatnya apa coba aja liat di web atau dengan cara login ke game

  • English:

    Not For Sale (Free)

    1. this file are limit for a 1000 list of password (Recomend), you can edit limit at loadmax(slower loading)
    2. loop for recive data = 0.5 (min 500 kilo bit / second)
    3. Fast Sending Data it can be send at the same time

    This application cannot be perfect without your help, for any Bug and Error Email Me : nyamuk040@ymail.com
  • Indonesia:

    Tidak Untuk Dijual (Gratis)

    1. file ini di batasi sampai dengan 1000 password(Rekomendasi), Anda dapat mengedit batas di loadmax (tapi loading lambat)
    2. loop untuk data recive = 0,5 (min 500 kilo bit / detik)
    3. Mengirimkan Data Cepat dan dapat mengirim pada saat yang sama

    Aplikasi ini tidak bisa sempurna tanpa bantuan Anda, untuk setiap Bug dan Error Email Me: nyamuk040@ymail.com

Kalo works Click Thanks aja gk yg lain,kl nggak works SS and Pesan Error nya di sertai.

Credit : Me Proeti
Attached File N3 Proeti.zip (71.65K)
Number of downloads: 1811

N3 Proeti.zip files:

  • Gemscool Hack.exe
  • loadmax.bat
  • password.txt
  • read me!!!.txt

Missing OCX ?
Coba deh langka" di bawah sebelum download Register Ocx.zip

  • Click Select
  • Click File OCX yg mau di register
  • Click Register

Attached File Register Ocx.zip (557.89K)
Number of downloads: 728

Hidden Content

Komentar dono (Staff N3): Yang namanya password bruteforcer bersifat untung-untungan, tidak selalu worked/berhasil dan bruteforcer ini hanya berlaku jika password user nya gampangan / mudah ditebak / berpassword terlalu umum. Jika ingin advanced atau tingkat keberhasilan lebih besar, tambahkan dump password dictionary berbahasa Indonesia dan Inggris di password.txt atau pakai cara target users dengan menggunakan tekhnik social engineering, gunakan kombinasi tanggal lahir, nomor telpon, nama pacar atau lainnya yang memungkinkan target memakainya.

Warning: Disarankan memakai proxy untuk keamanan anda, akan ada issue penyerangan/percobaan hacking (karena terus mencoba login per set waktu) ke pointblank server saat pemakaian softwares ini. UAYOR (Use at your own risk) !

NB : NB : Saya Mengbil / Copas Dari Forum Nyit-Nyit.Net